Graphs (using Matplotlib)

  1. Image Size
  2. Symbols, Line Styles and Colours
  3. Working with Time-Based Data
  4. Graphing using the ‘state machine interface’ (aka the pyplot style) - This is quicker than the object-orientated style for simple plots but it gives you less control:
  5. Graphing using axes objects (aka the object-orientated style) - This is more complicated than the pyplot style but it gives you more control:
  6. Graphing directly from Pandas data frames - This is essentially the same as the above methods because Pandas uses Matplotlib in the background:
  7. Axes and Labels:

Image Analysis

  1. Working With Images
  2. Filtering
  3. Posterise
  4. Segmentation via Selecting by Colour
  5. Calculating Overlap and the Dice Coefficient
  6. Compare Two Images
  7. Taking Screenshots
  8. Click to Interact with an Image
  9. Analysis of Pixel Values
  10. Computer Vision