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Grouping and aggregating data is also known as a “split-apply-combine” process: splitting the data into groups is followed by applying a function to each and combining them back into a single data frame. See the Pandas User Guide here.

1 Packages

The code on this page uses the Statsmodels, NumPy and Pandas packages. These can be installed from the terminal with:

$ python3.11 -m pip install statsmodels
$ python3.11 -m pip install numpy
$ python3.11 -m pip install pandas

Replace python3.11 with the version of Python you are using. Once installed, these packages can be imported into your Python script via the following:

from statsmodels import api as sm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

2 Example Data

For this page we will use the “American National Election Survey 1996” dataset from Statsmodels (see the documentation here):

# Load the data
dataset = sm.datasets.anes96.load_pandas()

The data within this data set has 11 columns although we will only use two: age and PID. The PID column represents which political party each survey respondent identified with but is encoded as a number. We can decode it using the following dictionary:

pid = {
    0: 'Strong Democrat',
    1: 'Weak Democrat',
    2: 'Independent-Democrat',
    3: 'Independent-Independent',
    4: 'Independent-Republican',
    5: 'Weak Republican',
    6: 'Strong Republican',

So let’s go ahead with the pre-processing of our raw data:

cols = ['PID', 'age']
df = dataset['data'].loc[:, cols]
df['PID'] = df['PID'].replace(pid)

##                        PID   age
## 0        Strong Republican  36.0
## 1            Weak Democrat  20.0
## 2            Weak Democrat  24.0
## 3            Weak Democrat  28.0
## 4          Strong Democrat  68.0
## 5            Weak Democrat  21.0
## 6            Weak Democrat  77.0
## 7   Independent-Republican  21.0
## 8  Independent-Independent  31.0
## 9          Strong Democrat  39.0

3 Overall Statistics

The numerical column(s) in the data set can be described using the .describe() method:

##               age
## count  944.000000
## mean    47.043432
## std     16.423130
## min     19.000000
## 25%     34.000000
## 50%     44.000000
## 75%     58.000000
## max     91.000000

Using include='all' will include the categorical column(s):

##                     PID         age
## count               944  944.000000
## unique                7         NaN
## top     Strong Democrat         NaN
## freq                200         NaN
## mean                NaN   47.043432
## std                 NaN   16.423130
## min                 NaN   19.000000
## 25%                 NaN   34.000000
## 50%                 NaN   44.000000
## 75%                 NaN   58.000000
## max                 NaN   91.000000

These summary statistics can be performed individually using Pandas’s methods, for example .mean() will calculate the mean:

mean = df['age'].mean()

## 47.043432203389834

This can also be accomplished with NumPy’s mean() function:

mean = np.mean(df['age'])

## 47.043432203389834

While this is fine for entire columns we often want to calculate the summary statistics for individual groups within the data, eg the mean age for each PID value. In order to do that we first need to group the data:

4 Grouping

We can group by a column of categorical data via the .groupby() method, but this returns a DataFrameGroupBy object which is of no use to us:

grouped = df.groupby('PID')

## <pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x7fdce8b0ef90>

If we index one of the columns, we just get a different object type which is of no use:

grouped = df.groupby('PID')['age']

## <pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x7fdce989a390>

So the grouping has been made, but we need to aggregate it before we can use it:

5 Aggregating

Pandas has 21 main built-in aggregation methods. All of them are listed here but the main ones are:

  • .mean() and .median() for central tendency
  • .std() for the standard deviation
  • .min() and .max() for the range
  • .nunique() for the number of unique values
  • .count() for the number of non-null values
  • .sum() for the sum
means = df.groupby('PID')['age'].mean()

## PID
## Independent-Democrat       44.083333
## Independent-Independent    47.324324
## Independent-Republican     48.968085
## Strong Democrat            50.165000
## Strong Republican          48.091429
## Name: age, dtype: float64

…or, because we only have one un-grouped column in this particular data frame, we can leave the column name out:

means = df.groupby('PID').mean()

##                                age
## PID                               
## Independent-Democrat     44.083333
## Independent-Independent  47.324324
## Independent-Republican   48.968085
## Strong Democrat          50.165000
## Strong Republican        48.091429

These values can also be sorted:

means = df.groupby('PID')['age'].mean().sort_values()

## PID
## Weak Democrat              43.622222
## Independent-Democrat       44.083333
## Weak Republican            46.620000
## Independent-Independent    47.324324
## Strong Republican          48.091429
## Name: age, dtype: float64

This sorting is ascending by default. Sort descending by setting this behaviour to False via the keyword argument:

means = df.groupby('PID')['age'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False)

## PID
## Strong Democrat            50.165000
## Independent-Republican     48.968085
## Strong Republican          48.091429
## Independent-Independent    47.324324
## Weak Republican            46.620000
## Name: age, dtype: float64

Resetting the index is often more useful for downstream analysis:

means = df.groupby('PID')['age'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False)
means = means.reset_index()

##                        PID        age
## 0          Strong Democrat  50.165000
## 1   Independent-Republican  48.968085
## 2        Strong Republican  48.091429
## 3  Independent-Independent  47.324324
## 4          Weak Republican  46.620000

If you want to rename the one column you have aggregated, it’s easier to do this before resetting the index while it’s still the only column in the data frame:

means = df.groupby('PID')['age'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False)
means.columns = ['mean_age']
means = means.reset_index()

##                        PID        age
## 0          Strong Democrat  50.165000
## 1   Independent-Republican  48.968085
## 2        Strong Republican  48.091429
## 3  Independent-Independent  47.324324
## 4          Weak Republican  46.620000

Using multiple methods one after another on an object is known as chaining.

6 Multiple Columns

Let’s look at two columns at once:

cols = ['PID', 'age', 'TVnews']
df = dataset['data'].loc[:, cols]
df['PID'] = df['PID'].replace(pid)

##                        PID   age  TVnews
## 0        Strong Republican  36.0     7.0
## 1            Weak Democrat  20.0     1.0
## 2            Weak Democrat  24.0     7.0
## 3            Weak Democrat  28.0     4.0
## 4          Strong Democrat  68.0     7.0
## 5            Weak Democrat  21.0     3.0
## 6            Weak Democrat  77.0     7.0
## 7   Independent-Republican  21.0     1.0
## 8  Independent-Independent  31.0     7.0
## 9          Strong Democrat  39.0     0.0

Now, if we just want to perform one type of aggregation we can simply do the same thing as before:

stats = df.groupby('PID').mean()

##                                age    TVnews
## PID                                         
## Independent-Democrat     44.083333  3.675926
## Independent-Independent  47.324324  3.540541
## Independent-Republican   48.968085  3.776596
## Strong Democrat          50.165000  4.350000
## Strong Republican        48.091429  3.702857
## Weak Democrat            43.622222  3.311111
## Weak Republican          46.620000  3.480000

However, if we want to have more control and perform different aggregation methods to different columns we need to be more specific. This can be done using the .agg() method:

stats = df.groupby('PID').agg({'age': 'mean', 'TVnews': 'std'})

##                                age    TVnews
## PID                                         
## Independent-Democrat     44.083333  2.681988
## Independent-Independent  47.324324  3.078551
## Independent-Republican   48.968085  2.692699
## Strong Democrat          50.165000  2.651917
## Strong Republican        48.091429  2.794235
## Weak Democrat            43.622222  2.533108
## Weak Republican          46.620000  2.521638

Here we are calculating the mean for one column and the standard deviation for the other. Again, this step can be followed by resetting the index:

stats = df.groupby('PID').agg({'age': 'mean', 'TVnews': 'std'}).reset_index()

##                        PID        age    TVnews
## 0     Independent-Democrat  44.083333  2.681988
## 1  Independent-Independent  47.324324  3.078551
## 2   Independent-Republican  48.968085  2.692699
## 3          Strong Democrat  50.165000  2.651917
## 4        Strong Republican  48.091429  2.794235
## 5            Weak Democrat  43.622222  2.533108
## 6          Weak Republican  46.620000  2.521638

7 Custom Functions

We aren’t limited to the built-in aggregation methods provided by Pandas, we can write our own functions and apply them to groups using the .apply() method:

def binning(column):
    """Separate ages into bins."""
    mean_age = column.mean()
    if mean_age < 45:
        return '<45'
    elif mean_age < 50:
        return '45 to 50'
        return '50+'

# Separate out the average ages of the groups into bins
binned = df.groupby('PID')['age'].apply(binning)

## PID
## Independent-Democrat            <45
## Independent-Independent    45 to 50
## Independent-Republican     45 to 50
## Strong Democrat                 50+
## Strong Republican          45 to 50
## Weak Democrat                   <45
## Weak Republican            45 to 50
## Name: age, dtype: object

These custom functions can also take arguments as per normal:

def over_45(column, normalise=False):
    """Count the number of people over 45."""
    mask = column < 45
    if normalise:
        return sum(mask) / len(mask)
        return sum(mask)

# Get the proportion of people over 45
binned = df.groupby('PID')['age'].apply(over_45, normalise=True)

## PID
## Independent-Democrat       0.620370
## Independent-Independent    0.459459
## Independent-Republican     0.425532
## Strong Democrat            0.445000
## Strong Republican          0.480000
## Weak Democrat              0.555556
## Weak Republican            0.566667
## Name: age, dtype: float64

This example is an optional argument, so we don’t actually need to use it:

# Get the number of people over 45
binned = df.groupby('PID')['age'].apply(over_45)

## PID
## Independent-Democrat        67
## Independent-Independent     17
## Independent-Republican      40
## Strong Democrat             89
## Strong Republican           84
## Weak Democrat              100
## Weak Republican             85
## Name: age, dtype: int64

Note that the built-in Pandas methods will always be fast compared to custom functions. This is because they take advantage of something known as vectorisation which is a particularly efficient for computation. Custom functions, on the other hand, effectively loop over all the elements in a column which is much slower.

8 Lambda Functions

Another use of the .apply() method to apply custom functions is to define lambda functions. These functions use a dummy variable (usually “x”) to represent the values in the column, and whatever you use “x” for then gets used on every value in the column. For example, here’s how to use NumPy’s percentile() function to get the 95th percentile of peoples’ age for each group:

# Group the data by PID
grouped = df.groupby('PID')['age']
# Get the 95th percentile of age for each group
grouped = grouped.apply(lambda x: np.percentile(x, 95)).reset_index()
# Sort the values
grouped = grouped.sort_values('age')

##                        PID    age
## 5            Weak Democrat  69.05
## 1  Independent-Independent  74.00
## 6          Weak Republican  75.00
## 0     Independent-Democrat  76.00
## 2   Independent-Republican  76.00
## 3          Strong Democrat  78.00
## 4        Strong Republican  81.00

9 Categorical Columns

Finding things like the mean and median of a numeric column makes sense because those can be calculated, but what would it mean to do it for a categorical column? Categorical values - such as peoples political leanings - usually do not have an order. However, in certain situations it makes sense to give them one, eg to define a political spectrum from left-wing to right-wing. This can be done in Python with the Categorical function from Pandas:

order = [
    'Strong Democrat', 'Weak Democrat', 'Independent-Democrat',
    'Independent-Independent', 'Independent-Republican', 'Weak Republican',
    'Strong Republican',
df['PID'] = pd.Categorical(df['PID'], order, ordered=True)

Now that the PID column has ordinal values (ordered categorical values) the concept of finding, for example, a median makes sense:

idx = np.median(df['PID'].cat.codes)
median_category = order[int(idx)]

## Independent-Democrat

This is the ‘middle’ political leaning of the people that were surveyed.

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