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1 Example Data

Let’s use the following example data set from Giavarina’s paper.1 Imagine that a set of objects were each measured twice - once using ‘Method A’ and once using ‘Method B’ - giving the two lists of measurements shown below:

import pandas as pd

dct = {
    'Method A': [
        1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0,
        150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0,
        650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0, 850.0, 900.0, 950.0, 1000.0
    'Method B': [
        8.0, 16.0, 30.0, 24.0, 39.0, 54.0, 40.0, 68.0, 72.0, 62.0, 122.0, 80.0,
        181.0, 259.0, 275.0, 380.0, 320.0, 434.0, 479.0, 587.0, 626.0, 648.0,
        738.0, 766.0, 793.0, 851.0, 871.0, 957.0, 1001.0, 960.0
df = pd.DataFrame(dct)

These can be visualised on a scatter plot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Formatting options for plots
A = 5  # Want figures to be A5
plt.rc('figure', figsize=[46.82 * .5**(.5 * A), 33.11 * .5**(.5 * A)])
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)  # Use LaTeX
plt.rc('font', family='serif')  # Use a serif font
plt.rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{textgreek}')  # Load Greek letters

# Create plot
ax = plt.axes()
ax.scatter(df['Method A'], df['Method B'], c='k', s=20, alpha=0.6, marker='o')
# Labels
ax.set_title('The Raw Data')
ax.set_xlabel('Method A')
ax.set_ylabel('Method B')
# Get axis limits
left, right = ax.get_xlim()
# Set axis limits
ax.set_xlim(0, right)
ax.set_ylim(0, right)
# Set aspect ratio
# Show plot

These points seem to roughly show a straight-line relationship, but let’s be a bit more precise and start to quantify exactly how much they correlate…

2 Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC)

This is not yet fully implemented in Python’s sklearn package, but we can use the version created by stylianos-kampakis on GitHub (available here). As he says:

The concordance correlation coefficient is a measure of inter-rater agreement. It measures the deviation of the relationship between predicted and true values from the 45 degree line.

Read more on Wikipedia or in the original paper by Lin.2

This coefficient is used to assess the agreement between estimated values (ie those measured by some person or some instrument) and correct (ground truth) values. The coefficient can have a value of between -1 and 1, where 1 indicates perfect agreement between the true and the predicted values and -1 indicates perfect disagreement.

Using our example data, let’s pretend that ‘Method A’ is the ‘ground truth’: a list of measurements that are known to be 100% correct. ‘Method B’ is then a list of measurements that were taken using some instrument (and as such they only ‘predict’ the truth):

y_true = df['Method A']
y_pred = df['Method B']

Here we go with calculating the CCC:

import numpy as np

# Raw data
dct = {
    'y_true': y_true,
    'y_pred': y_pred
df = pd.DataFrame(dct)
# Remove NaNs
df = df.dropna()
# Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients
y_true = df['y_true']
y_pred = df['y_pred']
cor = np.corrcoef(y_true, y_pred)[0][1]
# Means
mean_true = np.mean(y_true)
mean_pred = np.mean(y_pred)
# Population variances
var_true = np.var(y_true)
var_pred = np.var(y_pred)
# Population standard deviations
sd_true = np.std(y_true)
sd_pred = np.std(y_pred)
# Calculate CCC
numerator = 2 * cor * sd_true * sd_pred
denominator = var_true + var_pred + (mean_true - mean_pred)**2
ccc = numerator / denominator

## 0.9915429312339441

3 As a Custom Function

It’s often more useful to be able to do this calculation in a function so that it can be easily called as many times as you need it:

def concordance_correlation_coefficient(y_true, y_pred):
    """Concordance correlation coefficient."""
    # Raw data
    dct = {
        'y_true': y_true,
        'y_pred': y_pred
    df = pd.DataFrame(dct)
    # Remove NaNs
    df = df.dropna()
    # Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients
    y_true = df['y_true']
    y_pred = df['y_pred']
    cor = np.corrcoef(y_true, y_pred)[0][1]
    # Means
    mean_true = np.mean(y_true)
    mean_pred = np.mean(y_pred)
    # Population variances
    var_true = np.var(y_true)
    var_pred = np.var(y_pred)
    # Population standard deviations
    sd_true = np.std(y_true)
    sd_pred = np.std(y_pred)
    # Calculate CCC
    numerator = 2 * cor * sd_true * sd_pred
    denominator = var_true + var_pred + (mean_true - mean_pred)**2

    return numerator / denominator

y_true = [3, -0.5, 2, 7, np.NaN]
y_pred = [2.5, 0.0, 2, 8, 3]
ccc = concordance_correlation_coefficient(y_true, y_pred)

## 0.9767891682785301

Note that the numbers used in the example above were taken directly from stylianos-kampakis’s code.

4 References

  1. Giavarina D. Understanding Bland Altman analysis. Biochemia Medica. 2015;25(2):141–51. DOI: 10.11613/BM.2015.015.
  2. Lin LI-K. A Concordance Correlation Coefficient to Evaluate Reproducibility. Biometrics. 1989;45(1):255-268. DOI: 10.2307/2532051. PMID: 2720055.

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