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1 Why Use Loops?

As an example, let’s look at the “MPG” test dataset. This is one of the sample datasets that comes pre-installed with the Seaborn package; it contains a whole bunch of information related to the performance of motor cars (eg their “MPG” - miles per gallon - ie their fuel economy). You can either:

  • Download the Seaborn package from the terminal with pip install seaborn then run the following Python code:
import seaborn as sns

df = sns.load_dataset('mpg')
index mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration model_year origin name
0 18.0 8 307.0 130.0 3504 12.0 70 usa chevrolet chevelle malibu
1 15.0 8 350.0 165.0 3693 11.5 70 usa buick skylark 320
2 18.0 8 318.0 150.0 3436 11.0 70 usa plymouth satellite
3 16.0 8 304.0 150.0 3433 12.0 70 usa amc rebel sst
4 17.0 8 302.0 140.0 3449 10.5 70 usa ford torino
  • …or you can read the data straight from the internet with Pandas (which can be installed with pip install pandas):
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mwaskom/seaborn-data/master/mpg.csv')
  • Thirdly, you could copy the data yourself off the internet (simply go to the URL in the above code snippet), save it onto your local machine as a .csv file and read it into Python with Pandas as you would any other CSV:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('mpg.csv')

You now have the data in data frame format. If you ever have data in this format (or in the series format, which is essentially a column of a data frame) you have the ability to perform operations on an entire column in one go. For example, we can convert the weight of the cars in the above dataset (the information stored in the “weight” column) from pounds into kilograms by dividing by 2.205 like this:

# Convert pounds to kilograms
df['weight'] = df['weight'] / 2.205

The data frame now looks like this:

# Change the number of columns shown
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10)
# Change the width of the displayed information
pd.set_option('display.width', 150)

##     mpg  cylinders  displacement  horsepower       weight  acceleration  model_year origin                       name
## 0  18.0          8         307.0       130.0  1589.115646          12.0          70    usa  chevrolet chevelle malibu
## 1  15.0          8         350.0       165.0  1674.829932          11.5          70    usa          buick skylark 320
## 2  18.0          8         318.0       150.0  1558.276644          11.0          70    usa         plymouth satellite
## 3  16.0          8         304.0       150.0  1556.916100          12.0          70    usa              amc rebel sst
## 4  17.0          8         302.0       140.0  1564.172336          10.5          70    usa                ford torino

Notice that we could perform this operation on all of the rows in this column in one go. This is useful for simple tasks which can be written in one line - dividing by 2.205, for example - but it gets much more complicated if you want to do multiple things at once (or if you want to do different things depending on the value in question). Thankfully, it is possible to iterate through the rows; look at the data row-by-row and decide what to do with each. In other words, for each row in the data frame you can perform a set of operations. This is where we need to start looking at ‘for-loops’:

2 For-Loops

A ‘for-loop’ will repeat the same operations a given number of times. You can tell the programme to perform the same action FOR a certain number of repetitions. The syntax is as follows:

for number in range(3, 6):
## 3
## 4
## 5

Notice how this code (almost) reads like an English sentence: for each number in the range from 3 to (but not including) 6, print that number. Each number in the range gets assigned to the variable number in turn and used as an input to the print() function.

The range() function can have up to three inputs (all of which must be whole numbers):

  • If you give it one input, it will create a range from 0 to (but not including) that number
  • If you give it two inputs, it will create a range from the first to (but not including) the second
  • If you give it three inputs, it will interpret the third as the step size, ie how many numbers to step over when going from one number to the next
for number in range(3):
## 0
## 1
## 2
for number in range(4, 14, 3):
## 4
## 7
## 10
## 13
for number in range(4, -10, -3):
## 4
## 1
## -2
## -5
## -8

Notice that, in the third example above, the step size was negative and the end of the range was a smaller number that the start, hence it counted down rather than up.

Here’s a example of a for-loop in action: a function that calculates the factorial of a number:

def factorial(x):
    """Return the factorial (x!) of a given number."""
    # Initialise the answer
    answer = 1
    for x in range(1, x + 1):
        # Multiply the running total by the next number
        answer = answer * x
    return answer

x = 5
print(f'{x}! = {factorial(x)}')
## 5! = 120

2.1 Lists

For-loops work using lists as well. With this object type they iterate over the values:

# Loop through the values in a list
for meal in ['Pizza', 'Pasta', 'Salad']:
## MENU:
## Pizza
## Pasta
## Salad

If you instead want to iterate over the indexes of a list, you can create a range from the length of the list:

# Create a list
ls = ['Pizza', 'Pasta', 'Salad']
# Loop the same number of times as there are elements in the list
for idx in range(len(ls)):
    print(idx, ls[idx])
## MENU:
## 0 Pizza
## 1 Pasta
## 2 Salad

To do both and iterate over the indexes and the values, use the enumerate() function. This returns a tuple for each element in the list containing that element’s index and its value in that order:

# Create a list
ls = ['Pizza', 'Pasta', 'Salad']
# Iterate over both the indexes and values in a list
for idx, value in enumerate(ls):
    print(idx, value)
## MENU:
## 0 Pizza
## 1 Pasta
## 2 Salad

2.1.1 Conditionals (If-Statements)

A for-loop can be combined with an if-statement to only execute on certain values from the list:

numbers = [5, 3, 8, 1, 3, 5, 9, 4]
# Only print the large numbers
for number in numbers:
    if number > 7:
## 8
## 9

A more efficient way to do this, however, is to use a list comprehension (read more about list comprehensions on this page):

numbers = [5, 3, 8, 1, 3, 5, 9, 4]
# Only print the large numbers
for number in [v for v in numbers if v > 7]:
## 8
## 9

…or even:

numbers = [5, 3, 8, 1, 3, 5, 9, 4]
# Only print the large numbers
[print(v) for v in numbers if v > 7]
## 8
## 9

Here’s another example of a for-loop with a conditional: a function that censors certain words:

def censor(text, to_censor):
    """Censor a word."""
    words = text.split()
    for i in range(len(words)):
        if words[i] == to_censor:
            words[i] = '*' * len(to_censor)
    return ' '.join(words)

print(censor("Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn", 'damn'))
## Frankly, my dear, I don't give a ****

2.1.2 Two Lists

‘Zipping’ two lists together will allow you to look at both of them at the same time. However, if one list is longer than the other it will be shortened so that they match:

list1 = [3, 9, 17, 15, 19]
list2 = [2, 4, 8, 10, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]

# Determine which number at each position in the lists is larger
for a, b in zip(list1, list2):
    if a > b:
## 3
## 9
## 17
## 15
## 30

In the above example, each of the five numbers in the first list was compared to the corresponding number in the second list; the remaining six numbers in the second list were discarded. If we instead want to loop through each combination of elements from both lists we need to use a nested list comprehension:

list1 = ['A', 'B']
list2 = ['1', '2', '3', '4']

combinations = [(x, y) for x in list1 for y in list2]
for combination in combinations:
    print(combination[0], combination[1])
## A 1
## A 2
## A 3
## A 4
## B 1
## B 2
## B 3
## B 4

2.2 Strings

Strings are treated as lists of letters:

# Loop through the letters in a word
for letter in 'HELLO':
## H
## E
## L
## L
## O

Setting the end keyword argument in the print() function to an empty string causes the letters to print on the same line. This is because it overwrite the default value for end which is the newline character (\n):

# Loop through the letters in a word
for letter in 'HELLO':
    print(letter, end='')

2.3 Dictionaries

By default, a for-loop will iterate over a dictionary’s keys:

dct = {'a': 'apple', 'b': 'banana', 'c': 'cat'}
# Loop through the keys in a dictionary
for key in dct:
    # Print the key and the corresponding value
    print(key, dct[key])
## a apple
## b banana
## c cat

2.4 Data Frames

2.4.1 Columns

When using a data frame (such as the “MPG” data frame from section 1 above), a for-loop will iterate over the column names:

# Iterate over the column names
for col_name in df:
## mpg
## cylinders
## displacement
## horsepower
## weight
## acceleration
## model_year
## origin
## name

Unlike a list (where for x in ls and for i in range(len(ls)) will cause the code to loop the same number of times), iterating over range(len(df)) will cause the loop to run once for each row in the data frame. To loop once for each column, use for i in range(len(list(df))) - this will work because converting a data frame to a list keeps only the column names.

2.4.2 Rows

As mentioned above, we can iterate over a range the same length as there are rows in a data frame (we will only use the head of the data frame - ie the first 5 rows - for this example to save space):

# To save space, we're only going to use the head of the data frame (ie the
# first 5 rows)
df = df.head()

# Iterate over a range the same length as the number of rows
for i in range(len(df)):
## 0
## 1
## 2
## 3
## 4

Iterating over the rows themselves can be achieved using the .iterrows() method which works like the enumerate() function did for lists in that it returns both the index and the value:

# Iterate over the rows of a data frame
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    print(i, row.tolist())
## 0 [18.0, 8, 307.0, 130.0, 1589.1156462585034, 12.0, 70, 'usa', 'chevrolet chevelle malibu']
## 1 [15.0, 8, 350.0, 165.0, 1674.8299319727892, 11.5, 70, 'usa', 'buick skylark 320']
## 2 [18.0, 8, 318.0, 150.0, 1558.2766439909296, 11.0, 70, 'usa', 'plymouth satellite']
## 3 [16.0, 8, 304.0, 150.0, 1556.9160997732426, 12.0, 70, 'usa', 'amc rebel sst']
## 4 [17.0, 8, 302.0, 140.0, 1564.172335600907, 10.5, 70, 'usa', 'ford torino']

3 Statements

3.1 Break

The break statement will cause Python to break out of the loop and continue on with the rest of the script:

# Iterate over the range from 0 to 10
for i in range(11):
    # Once you get to 5, break out of the loop
    if i >= 5:
print('The rest of the script will now run')
## 0
## 1
## 2
## 3
## 4
## The rest of the script will now run

3.2 Continue

The continue statement will cause Python to skip the rest of the current iteration of the loop and continue with the next iteration:

# Iterate over the range from 0 to 10
for i in range(11):
    # When you have an even number, skip to the next iteration
    if i % 2 == 0:
print('The rest of the script will now run')
## 1
## 3
## 5
## 7
## 9
## The rest of the script will now run

3.3 Pass

The pass statement will cause Python to do nothing! It can be used with for-loops to pass over errors without bringing the entire script to a halt:

# This list contains 5 numbers and a string
ls = [0, 1, 2, 3, 'four', 5]
# Iterate over the elements in the list
for x in ls:
        # Try to perform division
        print(x / 2)
    except TypeError:
        # If you get an error, do nothing
print('The rest of the script will now run')
## 0.0
## 0.5
## 1.0
## 1.5
## 2.5
## The rest of the script will now run

When the code tried to divide ‘four’ by 2 it created an error (because a string cannot be divided by 2!). However, because the try and except statements were used, instead of this error stopping the entire script it caused the pass statement to execute. In this way, we allowed the script to continue to run despite the error being there.

The try and except <error_type> statements can be used together to deal with known or suspected bugs. This is called error handling in programming. Note that the except statement needs to be given a specific error type in order to work. In the above example, the except statement was made to catch errors of the TypeError variety (ie when a variable is of the wrong type) which is what gets raised when you try to divide a string instead of a number by 2. An error of a different type would not have been caught.

Alternatively, the pass statement can be used to avoid using negative conditions (eg not in) which can be confusing. Here’s an example of a function that loops over a string and removes any vowels it encounters by using an if-statement to find them:

def remove_vowels(word):
    """Remove vowels from a given word."""
    new_word = ''
    # Iterate through the letters in the word
    for character in word:
        if character in 'aeiouAEIOU':
            # If a vowel is encountered, do nothing
            # If not a vowel, add the letter to the word that will be outputted
            new_word = new_word + character
    return new_word

print(remove_vowels('Hello, World'))
## Hll, Wrld

It would have been possible to write this function with just one conditional (ie if character not in) but the programme would have lost readability. From a stylistic point of view, it’s best to avoid negative conditionals.

3.4 Else (For-Else Loops)

A ‘for-else’ loop is a combination of a for-loop, an if-statement and an else-statement. The for-loop will run, then the else-statement will run unless you break out of the for-loop:

import random

# Set the seed so that we get the same random numbers each time

print('Lucky Numbers! 3 numbers will be generated.')
print('If one of them is a "5", you lose!')
for i in range(3):
    num = random.randint(1, 6)
    if num == 5:
        print('Sorry, you lose!')
    print('You win!')
## Lucky Numbers! 3 numbers will be generated.
## If one of them is a "5", you lose!
## 1
## 4
## 1
## You win!

This functions a bit like a flag: if you get a “5”, a ‘flag’ is raised that causes some code to execute but other code to not execute.

4 Range vs Arange

The Numpy package contains a function called arange() which, at first glance, appears to be identical to the range() function that has been used above:

for x in range(3, 12, 4):
## 3
## 7
## 11
import numpy as np

for x in np.arange(3, 12, 4):
## 3
## 7
## 11

The behaviour of arange() is equivalent to that of range() except:

  • arange() creates an array\(^1\) whereas range() creates something called a range object. The difference is that an array contains all the numbers in the given range - ie all the numbers are stored explicitly in memory - while a range object only contains the information about the range which it then uses to generate\(^2\) each successive number in the sequence on demand.
  • arange() can have non-integers as arguments whereas range() cannot
  • arange() is part of the Numpy library (which needs to be downloaded at some point after you first install Python and which needs to be imported into every script you write which uses arange()) whereas range() is part of the standard library and so it is immediately available in ‘base’ Python
  • arange() is more efficient for matrix manipulation while range() is more efficient for for-loops

\(^1\)Specifically, arange() creates an ndarray object - an n-dimensional array
\(^2\)There are things in Python known as “generators” and range() is NOT a generator, but it is similar in that it generates numbers on demand as opposed to creating and storing them all at once like arange() does

Both list(arange()) and list(range()) will produce a list of the numbers in the given sequence. Depending on the context, a list, array or range object might be more appropriate.

4.1 Speed Test

It was mentioned above that arange() is more efficient for matrix manipulation while range() is more efficient for for-loops. We can confirm this by using the “timeit” module to time how quickly code takes to run: firstly, here’s a simple for-loop (for x in range(100): pass) run 100,000 using that standard library’s range():

from timeit import timeit

n = int(1e5)
t = timeit(stmt='for x in range(100): pass', number=n) / n * 1e6
print(f'The code ran {n:,} times and took {t:4.2f} microseconds on average')
## The code ran 100,000 times and took 0.73 microseconds on average

Now, here is the same loop run 100,000 using Numpy’s arange():

t = timeit(
    stmt='for x in np.arange(100): pass',
    setup='import numpy as np',
) / n * 1e6
print(f'The code ran {n:,} times and took {t:4.2f} microseconds on average')
## The code ran 100,000 times and took 3.62 microseconds on average

This confirms that range() is quicker for for-loops. Now let’s try matrix manipulation: how long does it take to double all the numbers from 0 to 99 using range()?

n = int(1e5)
t = timeit(stmt='[x * 2 for x in range(100)]', number=n) / n * 1e6
print(f'The code ran {n:,} times and took {t:4.2f} microseconds on average')
## The code ran 100,000 times and took 2.67 microseconds on average

…and using arange()?

t = timeit(
    stmt='np.arange(100) * 2',
    setup='import numpy as np',
) / n * 1e6
print(f'The code ran {n:,} times and took {t:4.2f} microseconds on average')
## The code ran 100,000 times and took 1.11 microseconds on average

This time, Numpy’s arange() was faster.

5 While-Loops

A ‘while-loop’ will continue performing a set of operations until a condition is met. Let’s imagine you have a jug that is 1 litre in size and you are pouring 150 ml glasses of water into it. You want to continue doing this as many times as you can without letting the jug overflow. Let’s set up the scenario:

water_in_jug = 0
capacity = 1000
glass_size = 150
number_of_pours = 0

You start with 0 ml of water in the jug. The capacity of the jug is 1000 ml. The size of the glass you are pouring in is 150 ml. You start having poured this glass into the jug 0 times. Now start pouring:

# This loop will continue to run while the amount of water in the jug is under
# the capacity
while water_in_jug < capacity:
    # Pour a glass
    water_in_jug = water_in_jug + 150
    number_of_pours = number_of_pours + 1

print(water_in_jug > capacity)
## 7
## 1050
## True

Whoopsie! You poured 7 glasses worth of water into the jug and caused it to overflow by 50 ml! Think about how you would modify the code in order to stop it from pouring too much. There are a couple of ways to do it, but one option is to tell the loop to run forever and then stop it once it nears capacity:

water_in_jug = 0
capacity = 1000
glass_size = 150
number_of_pours = 0

# This loop will continue to run for as long as True is True (ie forever)
while True:
    # If the jug is almost at capacity, stop
    if water_in_jug > capacity - glass_size:
    # Pour a glass
    water_in_jug = water_in_jug + glass_size
    number_of_pours = number_of_pours + 1

print(water_in_jug > capacity)
## 6
## 900
## False

Hurray! No overflow!

5.1 Using a While-Loop as a For-Loop

Let’s continue using the above example. Now that we know that 6 pours is the most we can perform before the jug overflows, we could use a for-loop and set it to run exactly six times:

for i in range(6):
    # Pour a glass
    number_of_pours = i + 1
    water_in_jug = number_of_pours * glass_size

print(water_in_jug > capacity)
## 6
## 900
## False

However, we could also use a while-loop and set it to run exactly six times:

water_in_jug = 0
capacity = 1000
glass_size = 150
number_of_pours = 0

while number_of_pours < 6:
    # Pour a glass
    water_in_jug = water_in_jug + glass_size
    number_of_pours += 1

print(water_in_jug > capacity)
## 6
## 900
## False

Note that in the above example we used number_of_pours += 1. This is shorthand for number_of_pours = number_of_pours + 1.

The opposite (using a for-loop as a while-loop) is possible in the sense that we can make a for-loop run a large number of times and have it break out when a condition is met:

water_in_jug = 0
capacity = 1000
glass_size = 150
number_of_pours = 0

for pours in range(100):
    # Pour a glass
    water_in_jug = pours * glass_size
    number_of_pours = pours
    # Check if you are nearing capacity
    if water_in_jug + glass_size > capacity:

print(water_in_jug > capacity)
## 6
## 900
## False

Note that the fact that the break statement has been put at the end of the loop means that the ‘pour a glass’ code will run even on the last iteration. If you instead put the break statement at the start, on the last iteration it will not run.

5.2 While-Else Loops

A ‘while-else’ loop is a combination of a while-loop, an if-statement and an else-statement. The while-loop will run, then the else-statement will run unless you break out of the while-loop:

import random

# Set the seed so that we get the same random numbers each time

print('Lucky Numbers! 3 numbers will be generated.')
print('If one of them is a "5", you lose!')
count = 0
while count < 3:
    num = random.randint(1, 6)
    if num == 5:
        print('Sorry, you lose!')
    count += 1
    print('You win!')
## Lucky Numbers! 3 numbers will be generated.
## If one of them is a "5", you lose!
## 1
## 4
## 1
## You win!

6 Summary

  • Loops can be used to do the same thing multiple times
  • There are for-loops which repeat the same thing a set number of times
  • There are also while-loops which repeat the same thing until a condition is met

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