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A combination is when you select items from a list and the order doesn’t matter.
A permutation is when you select items from a list and the order does matter.

A poker hand is an example of a combination of cards: an ace-king is the same as a king-ace. The Olympic medallists in an event are an example of a partial permutation of the competitors: the order in which they finish is important as it determines who wins gold, silver and bronze. A complete permutation would be the entire finishing order, ie all the competitors listed in order.

If we select \(k\) things from a total of \(n\) options and we don’t care in what order they are, the total number of combinations (the number of different ways to do this) is:

\(C\left(n, k\right) = {n \choose k} = \dfrac{n!}{k!\left(n-k\right)!}\)

The total number of distinct 5-card poker hands is \(C(52, 5) = 2,598,960\).

If we arrange \(n\) things into an order, we will create one of the \(n!\) possible permutations of those items (eg the complete finishing order of a race at the Olympics). If we only select and arrange \(k\) things from a total of \(n\) options in order to create an arrangement (eg the medallists in a race at the Olympics) the number of ways to create a partial permutation like this is:

\(P\left(n, k\right) = \dfrac{n!}{\left(n-k\right)!}\)

There are 8 competitors in an Olympic 100m final, meaning that there are \(P(8, 3) = 336\) different possibilities for the podium.

The above assumes that repetition is not allowed, ie a competitor cannot win more than one medal. If repetition is allowed, for example if you look at the top 3 fastest 100m times that have ever been run by these 8 athletes, the possible number of arrangements is \(n^k\), ie \(8^3 = 512\). Another example of arrangement with repetition is if you are creating words from an alphabet: the total number of three-letter words is \(26\times26\times26=17,576\).

1 Calculating Combinations and Permutations

The built-in module math in Python provides the factorial(), comb() and perm() functions which can be used as follows:

1.1 Combinations

How many distinct 5-card poker hands are possible?

from math import factorial

# The long way
n = 52
k = 5
C = factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k))
## 2598960.0
from math import comb

# The short way
C = comb(52, 5)
## 2598960

1.2 Permutations

An Olympic 100m final has 8 competitors. How many possible finishing orders are there?

from math import factorial

n = 8
P = factorial(n)
## 40320

How many different possible podiums (gold, silver and bronze winners) are there?

from math import factorial

# The long way
n = 8
k = 3
P = factorial(n) / factorial(n - k)
## 336.0
from math import perm

# The short way
P = perm(8, 3)
## 336

If we look up the top 3 all-time fastest runs by these 8 athletes how many arrangements could we possibly see?

P = 8**3
## 512

2 Creating Combinations and Permutations

It’s all good and well knowing how many combinations and/or permutations there are, but how can we see what they are? The built-in itertools module in Python has the combinations and permutations functions which can be used as follows:

2.1 Combinations

On 26 July 2021 the top 4 ranked rugby teams in the world were:

  1. South Africa
  2. New Zealand
  3. England
  4. Ireland

If we wanted to organise a round-robin tournament where each team played each other once, we could create combinations of two teams:

import itertools

# Rankings as on 2021-07-26
teams = ['South Africa', 'New Zealand', 'England', 'Ireland']

# Create the tournament fixture list
for combination in itertools.combinations(teams, 2):
    team0 = combination[0]
    team1 = combination[1]
    print(f'{team0} vs {team1}')
## South Africa vs New Zealand
## South Africa vs England
## South Africa vs Ireland
## New Zealand vs England
## New Zealand vs Ireland
## England vs Ireland

2.2 Permutations

If we wanted to create a double round-robin tournament where each team played each other twice - ie once at home and once away - we could create permutations of two teams:

import itertools

# Rankings as on 2021-07-26
teams = ['South Africa', 'New Zealand', 'England', 'Ireland']

# Create the tournament fixture list
for permutation in itertools.permutations(teams, 2):
    home = permutation[0]
    away = permutation[1]
    print(f'{home} (H) vs {away} (A)')
## South Africa (H) vs New Zealand (A)
## South Africa (H) vs England (A)
## South Africa (H) vs Ireland (A)
## New Zealand (H) vs South Africa (A)
## New Zealand (H) vs England (A)
## New Zealand (H) vs Ireland (A)
## England (H) vs South Africa (A)
## England (H) vs New Zealand (A)
## England (H) vs Ireland (A)
## Ireland (H) vs South Africa (A)
## Ireland (H) vs New Zealand (A)
## Ireland (H) vs England (A)

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