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This page is the fourth part of an introduction to Git:

  1. Installation
  2. Quickstart
  3. Cheat Sheet
  4. Gitignore

Git works best when used to version control plaintext files such as:

Git does not work well with binary files. These are files that are too complex for Git to be able to tell what’s changed inside them, it can only tell if something’s changed. This is why they are called ‘binary files’ - they’ve either changed or they haven’t with no other information being available. Some examples are:

Plaintext data files may or may not work well in Git (it depends on how large they are):

In general, large files and binary files cause a Git repo to increase in size (which slows it down because the Git commands take longer to run) for no benefit (because they are not able to take advantage of Git’s functionality). As a result, you should avoid adding them. A “Gitignore file” can help you do this: it is a file that tells Git to intentionally ignore certain folders, files and file types.

Create a Gitignore File

To create a Gitignore file, create a new file and name it “.gitignore” (with a dot at the start and all lowercase) in the top level of your Git repo:

  • This can be done from the terminal with touch .gitignore
  • The dot at the start of the filename causes the file to be hidden. This is an operating system feature - nothing to do with Git. In other words, you will need to have the ‘show hidden files’ option on your computer turned on in order to be able to see this file.
    • On Ubuntu, you toggle this option with Ctrl+H
    • On macOS, you toggle this option with Cmd+Shift+.
  • Git automatically searches for a “.gitignore” file so all you need to do is create it (you don’t need to run any special commands or turn on any option in order to be able to use it)

Open the file in a plaintext editor (eg Notepad, TextEdit, gedit, Sublime Text, etc) and add the files, folders and file types that you want Git to ignore:

  • Adding filename.txt will cause all files with that exact name to be ignored
  • Adding foldername/ will cause all folders with that exact name to be ignored (including any and all files and sub-folders inside of them)
  • Asterisks can be used as wildcards: *.docx will cause all files that end with that extension to be ignored
  • Comments can be added with hashes # Like this

Files and folders that are already added to a Git repo are not affected by a Gitignore file that is added after them. In other words, changes made to them will continue to be tracked. This stops being true if the file/folder is moved into a different folder or has its name changed to something that is also in the Gitignore file.

Creating a folder called “gitignored” and then adding gitignored/ to the .gitignore file will cause anything placed inside that folder to be ignored. This can be a simple way to keep on top of what within your repo is being tracked and what isn’t: if it’s in the folder it’s ignored and if it’s not it’s not! This can be useful as an ‘archive’ for storing outputs, logs and intermediate files that are not immediately useful but which may still have value as references.


Here’s an example of what you might have in your .gitignore file:

# Anything explicitly ignored

# R local files

# Files generated by roxygen or package building/test/checking

# Notebook files

# Archive files

# Configuration/initialisation file

# Binary files

# Python

# Hidden ipython notebook files

# Pycharm helper files

# Test result files

# Open files

# Latex files

# macOS hidden files with info about folder display

# Mat files

# Font files

# Data files

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