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When a variable is declared in C++ the data type is specified along with it. The fact that C++ knows this data type is important because it means that it knows how much space in the computer’s memory it must reserve for it: if you declare an int it will set aside a chunk of memory 4 bytes in size for that variable. If you declare a double on the other hand, it will allocate 8 bytes of memory (that’s why it’s known as a ‘double’ - it’s double the size of an int!). These memory allocations will initially not contain anything useful, it’s only once you initialise the variables that these spaces in the memory will then get filled with the data.

In C++ you can manipulate how your data is stored in memory, which helps in optimising a programme’s performance.

1 Memory Addresses

A memory address is a location in the memory that corresponds to a section that has been allocated to a declared variable. It is where a variable’s data is (or will be) stored. It will be a hexadecimal value, because that it how computers number their memory addresses. You can see a variable’s memory address by using the ampersand symbol (&) in front of the variable in question:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int age = 26;
    std::cout << "The age is " << age <<"\n";
    std::cout << "The memory address where this data is stored is " << &age <<"\n";
The age is 26
The memory address where this data is stored is 0x7fffce790b84

2 Pointers

A pointer is a stored memory address. In other words:

  • A programmer declares (and possibly also initialises) a variable
  • This causes a chunk of memory to be reserved (‘allocated’) for the purpose of storing the value of this variable
  • The location of this chunk of memory is the memory address
  • A pointer can then be created, which would reserve a new chunk of memory (at a new memory address) and the memory address of the original variable will then get stored there

Pointers are created using an asterisk; here’s full the syntax: int* ptr = &age;

  • The asterisk at the end of int* means you will create a pointer rather than a normal variable. The spacing between int, the asterisk and the pointer’s name doesn’t matter.
  • ptr is the pointer’s name
  • &age is the memory address of the variable age
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int age = 26;
    // Create a pointer
    int* ptr = &age;

    std::cout << "The age is " << age <<"\n";
    std::cout << "The memory address where this data is stored is " << &age <<"\n";
    std::cout << "The pointer is " << ptr <<"\n";
The age is 26
The memory address where this data is stored is 0x7ffffa61b99c
The pointer is 0x7ffffa61b99c

So the pointer and the memory address are the same! A pointer IS a memory address!

2.1 Null Pointer

Just like variables, it’s possible to declare a pointer without initialising it. This should be done with the following syntax:

int* ptr = nullptr;

Do not declare it like a regular variable:

int* ptr;

The latter can lead to errors because there will essentially be noise stored in your new pointer. The nullptr approach, on the other hand, will actively clear anything out from within your new pointer, leaving it less likely to be accidentally interpreted as being meaningful before you initialise it.

3 Dereference

A dereference is the reverse of a pointer: you get the value at a memory address instead of getting the memory address of a value:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int age = 26;
    // Create a pointer
    int* ptr = &age;
    // Create a dereference
    int age_check = *ptr;

    std::cout << "The age is " << age <<"\n";
    std::cout << "The pointer is " << ptr <<"\n";
    std::cout << "The dereference is " << age_check <<"\n";
The age is 26
The pointer is 0x7ffdbb0307e8
The dereference is 26

4 References

References are aliases for variables. Changing a reference will change the variable it references as well. References are created by using an ampersand (&) before the variable name when declaring/initialising it, which can lead to confusion:

  • Memory addresses are accessed by using & before the variable name when calling (using) that variable
  • References are created by using & before the variable name when declaring or initialising that reference as a new variable

Here’s an example:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    // Declare and initialise a variable
    int years_alive = 25;
    // Declare and initialise a reference to that variable
    int &age = years_alive;
    // Declare and initialise a pointer by setting it equal to a memory address
    int* ptr = &years_alive;

    // Celebrate a birthday

    // Check the new values
    std::cout << years_alive <<"\n";
    std::cout << age <<"\n";
    std::cout << ptr <<"\n";

So int &age = years_alive; had the ampersand at the start of the variable on the left-hand side of the equals sign and so this line created a reference to years_alive. This meant that, when years_alive incremented by 1, so did age.

The line int* ptr = &years_alive; had the ampersand at the start of the variable on the right-hand side of the equals sign and so this accessed the memory address of years_alive and created a pointer. In summary:

  • int &reference = original; will create a reference
  • int* pointer = &original; will create a pointer

References are useful when passing arguments into functions. Usually, arguments are passed in as values so let’s check what difference it makes when we pass them in as references instead:

4.1 Pass-by-Value vs Pass-By-Reference

Here’s a ‘normal’ example where a variable, current_age, is declared and initialised in the main function and then passed into a function as a value:

#include <iostream>

int birthday(int value) {
    // Increment the value
    // Return the value to the main function
    return value;

int main() {
    // Declare and initialise a variable
    int current_age = 25;
    // Pass the variable into a function as a value, and overwrite it with the returned value
    current_age = birthday(current_age);
    // Check the new value
    std::cout << "The current age is " << current_age <<"\n";
The current age is 26

Notice that the variable current_age is not changed inside the birthday function: it exists in the main function’s scope but not in the birthday function’s scope so it cannot be changed inside the latter. The variable current_age first has to be changed into the variable value which is in the birthday function’s scope and so which then can get incremented. However, value is then not valid in the main function, and so value needs to be returned and used to overwrite current_age once back in the main function.

Passing-by-reference allows us to skip this use of a distinct intermediate variable. By passing a reference into a function and changing it inside that function we change the initial variable that we declared outside the function as well!

#include <iostream>

void birthday(int &value) {
    // Increment the value

int main() {
    // Declare and initialise a variable
    int current_age = 25;
    // Pass the variable into a function as a reference
    // Check the new value
    std::cout << "The current age is " << current_age <<"\n";
The current age is 26

We still have a variable call value in the function but this time it is a reference to the variable current_age. When we change value inside the function we change current_age outside the function as well. This means we don’t need to return value, and we don’t need to overwrite current_age.

4.2 Constants

When we use the const keyword during a variable declaration it creates a constant - a variable whose value cannot be changed. This is useful for data we know we don’t want to change, such as the year in which a person was born.

If a function’s parameter happens to be a constant, it means that that parameter’s value will not be changed by the function, but this is inefficient! The implication is that you are creating a variable in the main function, re-creating it in the function you are passing it into and then not changing it! A more efficient approach would be to use a reference, as this saves on the computational cost of re-creating a variable in the function’s scope.

#include <iostream>

int calculate_age(int const &birth_year) {
    // Calculate age from birth year
    return 2023 - birth_year;

int main() {
    int age = calculate_age(1997);
    std::cout << "The current age is " << age <<"\n";
The current age is 26

In other words, if you use the const keyword in a function’s parameter declaration, you should always follow it with a reference.

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