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This page is a more advanced version of the intro to descriptive statistics.

1 Means, Medians, IQRs

Find the basics statistics that describe a set of data points.

1.1 Vectors

If your data is stored in a vector, you can simply run functions like median(), IQR() and so on. Because R is primarily made for statistics, these type of operations are named in a very logical and easy-to-remember way!

data <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11)
med <- median(data)
avg <- mean(data)
iqr <- IQR(data)
## [1] 5.5
## [1] 5.7
## [1] 4.5

1.2 Data Frames

The columns of a data frame are actually vectors, so the same operations as above are also very straightforward:

df <- data.frame(
    group = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
    data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11)
med <- median(df$data)
avg <- mean(df$data)
iqr <- IQR(df$data)
## [1] 5.5
## [1] 5.7
## [1] 4.5

1.3 Do Everything at Once

We can calculate all these summary statistics in one go with the help of the describeBy() function from the psych package. With this function we can just throw in a data frame column and it will output a table with all the information we want, although doing so will generate a warning:


# Without specifying a group
# (gives a warning)
db <- psych::describeBy(df$data)
## Warning in psych::describeBy(df$data): no grouping variable requested
##    vars  n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range skew kurtosis   se
## X1    1 10  5.7 3.33    5.5    5.62 3.71   1  11    10 0.17    -1.46 1.05

A single value from this table can be accessed by indexing it:

## [1] 5.5

If we want to avoid the warning that the above call to describeBy() created, we need to specify a group. In our example, we have a data frame where once column is called “group” and it tells us that all the data points are in group “1”:

# Specifying a group
db <- psych::describeBy(df$data, group = df$group)
##  Descriptive statistics by group 
## group: 1
##    vars  n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range skew kurtosis   se
## X1    1 10  5.7 3.33    5.5    5.62 3.71   1  11    10 0.17    -1.46 1.05

You can see that no warning was generated this time, although in order to access a single value we now need to index the table twice:

## [1] 5.5

2 Creating Summary Statistics Tables - one statistics, multiple metrics

2.1 Example Data

For this example we are going to use the “Gapminder” dataset which can be installed with the gapminder package:


This dataset contains demographic information about multiple countries across different time points:

# Convert the tibble to a data frame
gapminder <- as.data.frame(gapminder)
# Preview our data
print(head(gapminder, 15))
##        country continent year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
## 1  Afghanistan      Asia 1952  28.801  8425333  779.4453
## 2  Afghanistan      Asia 1957  30.332  9240934  820.8530
## 3  Afghanistan      Asia 1962  31.997 10267083  853.1007
## 4  Afghanistan      Asia 1967  34.020 11537966  836.1971
## 5  Afghanistan      Asia 1972  36.088 13079460  739.9811
## 6  Afghanistan      Asia 1977  38.438 14880372  786.1134
## 7  Afghanistan      Asia 1982  39.854 12881816  978.0114
## 8  Afghanistan      Asia 1987  40.822 13867957  852.3959
## 9  Afghanistan      Asia 1992  41.674 16317921  649.3414
## 10 Afghanistan      Asia 1997  41.763 22227415  635.3414
## 11 Afghanistan      Asia 2002  42.129 25268405  726.7341
## 12 Afghanistan      Asia 2007  43.828 31889923  974.5803
## 13     Albania    Europe 1952  55.230  1282697 1601.0561
## 14     Albania    Europe 1957  59.280  1476505 1942.2842
## 15     Albania    Europe 1962  64.820  1728137 2312.8890
##       country continent year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
## 1699 Zimbabwe    Africa 1982  60.363  7636524  788.8550
## 1700 Zimbabwe    Africa 1987  62.351  9216418  706.1573
## 1701 Zimbabwe    Africa 1992  60.377 10704340  693.4208
## 1702 Zimbabwe    Africa 1997  46.809 11404948  792.4500
## 1703 Zimbabwe    Africa 2002  39.989 11926563  672.0386
## 1704 Zimbabwe    Africa 2007  43.487 12311143  469.7093

This dataset is a bit larger than what we need for this tutorial, so let’s trim it down a bit - to 27 rows - just to make it easier to use:

df <- subset(
    (continent == "Oceania" | continent == "Americas") & year == 2007
##                  country continent year lifeExp       pop gdpPercap
## 60             Argentina  Americas 2007  75.320  40301927 12779.380
## 72             Australia   Oceania 2007  81.235  20434176 34435.367
## 144              Bolivia  Americas 2007  65.554   9119152  3822.137
## 180               Brazil  Americas 2007  72.390 190010647  9065.801
## 252               Canada  Americas 2007  80.653  33390141 36319.235
## 288                Chile  Americas 2007  78.553  16284741 13171.639
## 312             Colombia  Americas 2007  72.889  44227550  7006.580
## 360           Costa Rica  Americas 2007  78.782   4133884  9645.061
## 396                 Cuba  Americas 2007  78.273  11416987  8948.103
## 444   Dominican Republic  Americas 2007  72.235   9319622  6025.375
## 456              Ecuador  Americas 2007  74.994  13755680  6873.262
## 480          El Salvador  Americas 2007  71.878   6939688  5728.354
## 612            Guatemala  Americas 2007  70.259  12572928  5186.050
## 648                Haiti  Americas 2007  60.916   8502814  1201.637
## 660             Honduras  Americas 2007  70.198   7483763  3548.331
## 792              Jamaica  Americas 2007  72.567   2780132  7320.880
## 996               Mexico  Americas 2007  76.195 108700891 11977.575
## 1104         New Zealand   Oceania 2007  80.204   4115771 25185.009
## 1116           Nicaragua  Americas 2007  72.899   5675356  2749.321
## 1188              Panama  Americas 2007  75.537   3242173  9809.186
## 1200            Paraguay  Americas 2007  71.752   6667147  4172.838
## 1212                Peru  Americas 2007  71.421  28674757  7408.906
## 1260         Puerto Rico  Americas 2007  78.746   3942491 19328.709
## 1560 Trinidad and Tobago  Americas 2007  69.819   1056608 18008.509
## 1620       United States  Americas 2007  78.242 301139947 42951.653
## 1632             Uruguay  Americas 2007  76.384   3447496 10611.463
## 1644           Venezuela  Americas 2007  73.747  26084662 11415.806

2.2 Establish a ‘Discriminator’

A ‘discriminator’ is like a category. In this example we are going to categorise the 27 countries in our dataset as either having a “Large” or a “Small” population:

df$discriminator <- ifelse(df$pop >= 10000000, "Large", "Small")
##                  country continent year lifeExp       pop gdpPercap discriminator
## 60             Argentina  Americas 2007  75.320  40301927 12779.380         Large
## 72             Australia   Oceania 2007  81.235  20434176 34435.367         Large
## 144              Bolivia  Americas 2007  65.554   9119152  3822.137         Small
## 180               Brazil  Americas 2007  72.390 190010647  9065.801         Large
## 252               Canada  Americas 2007  80.653  33390141 36319.235         Large
## 288                Chile  Americas 2007  78.553  16284741 13171.639         Large
## 312             Colombia  Americas 2007  72.889  44227550  7006.580         Large
## 360           Costa Rica  Americas 2007  78.782   4133884  9645.061         Small
## 396                 Cuba  Americas 2007  78.273  11416987  8948.103         Large
## 444   Dominican Republic  Americas 2007  72.235   9319622  6025.375         Small
## 456              Ecuador  Americas 2007  74.994  13755680  6873.262         Large
## 480          El Salvador  Americas 2007  71.878   6939688  5728.354         Small
## 612            Guatemala  Americas 2007  70.259  12572928  5186.050         Large
## 648                Haiti  Americas 2007  60.916   8502814  1201.637         Small
## 660             Honduras  Americas 2007  70.198   7483763  3548.331         Small
## 792              Jamaica  Americas 2007  72.567   2780132  7320.880         Small
## 996               Mexico  Americas 2007  76.195 108700891 11977.575         Large
## 1104         New Zealand   Oceania 2007  80.204   4115771 25185.009         Small
## 1116           Nicaragua  Americas 2007  72.899   5675356  2749.321         Small
## 1188              Panama  Americas 2007  75.537   3242173  9809.186         Small
## 1200            Paraguay  Americas 2007  71.752   6667147  4172.838         Small
## 1212                Peru  Americas 2007  71.421  28674757  7408.906         Large
## 1260         Puerto Rico  Americas 2007  78.746   3942491 19328.709         Small
## 1560 Trinidad and Tobago  Americas 2007  69.819   1056608 18008.509         Small
## 1620       United States  Americas 2007  78.242 301139947 42951.653         Large
## 1632             Uruguay  Americas 2007  76.384   3447496 10611.463         Small
## 1644           Venezuela  Americas 2007  73.747  26084662 11415.806         Large

Use the group_by() function from the dplyr package to sort this data into two groups by the discriminator, ie sort the countries into “Large” and “Small”:


table <- dplyr::group_by(df, discriminator)

2.3 Calculate Means by Group

The summarise() function together with the mean() function will produce a table that shows the means (and only the means) of each metric (life expectancy, population and GDP per capita) for each group (Large and Small countries):

table_mean <- summarise(
    lifeExp = mean(lifeExp, na.rm = TRUE),
    pop = mean(pop, na.rm = TRUE),
    gdpPercap = mean(gdpPercap, na.rm = TRUE)
# Convert the tibble to a data frame
table_mean <- as.data.frame(table_mean)
##   discriminator  lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
## 1         Large 75.70546 65153464 15964.566
## 2         Small 72.67650  5459007  9082.629

This table is in ‘wide’ format, but we can convert it into ‘long’ format using the gather() function from the tidyr package:


# Convert from wide to long
table_mean <- tidyr::gather(
    table_mean, key = "variable", "value", lifeExp, pop, gdpPercap
##   discriminator  variable        value
## 1         Large   lifeExp 7.570546e+01
## 2         Small   lifeExp 7.267650e+01
## 3         Large       pop 6.515346e+07
## 4         Small       pop 5.459007e+06
## 5         Large gdpPercap 1.596457e+04
## 6         Small gdpPercap 9.082629e+03

A similar method that leaves us with the same result but transposed (so the discriminator forms the column headings):

table_mean <- summarise(
    lifeExp = mean(lifeExp, na.rm = TRUE),
    pop = mean(pop, na.rm = TRUE),
    gdpPercap = mean(gdpPercap, na.rm = TRUE)
table_mean <- as.data.frame(t(table_mean))
colnames(table_mean) <- table_mean[1, ]
table_mean <- table_mean[-1, ]
##               Large     Small
## lifeExp    75.70546  72.67650
## pop        65153464   5459007
## gdpPercap 15964.566  9082.629

2.4 Format the Output

We can change what the table looks like with a bit of string formatting (using sprintf()):

table_mean <- summarise(
    `Life Exp` = sprintf("%4.1f (%3.1f)", mean(lifeExp), sd(lifeExp)),
    `Population` = sprintf("%4.1f (%3.1f)", mean(pop) / 10^6, sd(pop) / 10^6),
    `GDP per Capita` = sprintf("%4.1f (%3.1f)", mean(gdpPercap), sd(gdpPercap))
table_mean <- as.data.frame(t(table_mean))
colnames(table_mean) <- table_mean[1, ]
table_mean <- table_mean[-1, ]
##                            Large           Small
## Life Exp              75.7 (3.5)      72.7 (5.2)
## Population           65.2 (87.0)       5.5 (2.6)
## GDP per Capita 15964.6 (12869.3) 9082.6 (7100.7)

3 Creating Summary Statistics Tables - multiple statistics, one metric

This time we are creating a table with multiple statistics (instead of just the mean), but just for the ‘population’ metric:

table_pop <- summarise(
    median = median(pop, na.rm = T),
    n = n(),
    non_na_count = sum(!is.na(pop)),
    stdev = sd(pop, na.rm = T)
table_pop <- as.data.frame(table_pop)
##   discriminator   median  n non_na_count    stdev
## 1         Large 28674757 13           13 86976436
## 2         Small  4904620 14           14  2583115

A specific value can be extracted from the table through indexing:

print(table_pop[1, "median"])
## [1] 28674757
print(table_pop[table_pop$discriminator == "Small", "median"])
## [1] 4904620

Here it is transposed and formatted:

table_pop <- summarise(
    Median = sprintf("%3.1f million", median(pop) / 10^6),
    n = n(),
    `Non-nulls` = sum(!is.na(pop)),
    `Standard deviation` = sprintf("%3.1f million", sd(pop) / 10^6)
table_pop <- as.data.frame(t(table_pop))
colnames(table_pop) <- table_pop[1, ]
table_pop <- table_pop[-1, ]
##                           Large       Small
## Median             28.7 million 4.9 million
## n                            13          14
## Non-nulls                    13          14
## Standard deviation 87.0 million 2.6 million

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