A pre-loaded example dataset in R

Main page: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/datasets/versions/3.6.2/topics/sunspot.year

## Time Series:
## Start = 1700 
## End = 1988 
## Frequency = 1 
##   [1]   5.0  11.0  16.0  23.0  36.0  58.0  29.0  20.0  10.0   8.0   3.0   0.0
##  [13]   0.0   2.0  11.0  27.0  47.0  63.0  60.0  39.0  28.0  26.0  22.0  11.0
##  [25]  21.0  40.0  78.0 122.0 103.0  73.0  47.0  35.0  11.0   5.0  16.0  34.0
##  [37]  70.0  81.0 111.0 101.0  73.0  40.0  20.0  16.0   5.0  11.0  22.0  40.0
##  [49]  60.0  80.9  83.4  47.7  47.8  30.7  12.2   9.6  10.2  32.4  47.6  54.0
##  [61]  62.9  85.9  61.2  45.1  36.4  20.9  11.4  37.8  69.8 106.1 100.8  81.6
##  [73]  66.5  34.8  30.6   7.0  19.8  92.5 154.4 125.9  84.8  68.1  38.5  22.8
##  [85]  10.2  24.1  82.9 132.0 130.9 118.1  89.9  66.6  60.0  46.9  41.0  21.3
##  [97]  16.0   6.4   4.1   6.8  14.5  34.0  45.0  43.1  47.5  42.2  28.1  10.1
## [109]   8.1   2.5   0.0   1.4   5.0  12.2  13.9  35.4  45.8  41.1  30.1  23.9
## [121]  15.6   6.6   4.0   1.8   8.5  16.6  36.3  49.6  64.2  67.0  70.9  47.8
## [133]  27.5   8.5  13.2  56.9 121.5 138.3 103.2  85.7  64.6  36.7  24.2  10.7
## [145]  15.0  40.1  61.5  98.5 124.7  96.3  66.6  64.5  54.1  39.0  20.6   6.7
## [157]   4.3  22.7  54.8  93.8  95.8  77.2  59.1  44.0  47.0  30.5  16.3   7.3
## [169]  37.6  74.0 139.0 111.2 101.6  66.2  44.7  17.0  11.3  12.4   3.4   6.0
## [181]  32.3  54.3  59.7  63.7  63.5  52.2  25.4  13.1   6.8   6.3   7.1  35.6
## [193]  73.0  85.1  78.0  64.0  41.8  26.2  26.7  12.1   9.5   2.7   5.0  24.4
## [205]  42.0  63.5  53.8  62.0  48.5  43.9  18.6   5.7   3.6   1.4   9.6  47.4
## [217]  57.1 103.9  80.6  63.6  37.6  26.1  14.2   5.8  16.7  44.3  63.9  69.0
## [229]  77.8  64.9  35.7  21.2  11.1   5.7   8.7  36.1  79.7 114.4 109.6  88.8
## [241]  67.8  47.5  30.6  16.3   9.6  33.2  92.6 151.6 136.3 134.7  83.9  69.4
## [253]  31.5  13.9   4.4  38.0 141.7 190.2 184.8 159.0 112.3  53.9  37.5  27.9
## [265]  10.2  15.1  47.0  93.8 105.9 105.5 104.5  66.6  68.9  38.0  34.5  15.5
## [277]  12.6  27.5  92.5 155.4 154.7 140.5 115.9  66.6  45.9  17.9  13.4  29.2
## [289] 100.2
utils::str(sm <- sunspots)# the monthly version we keep unchanged
##  Time-Series [1:2820] from 1749 to 1984: 58 62.6 70 55.7 85 83.5 94.8 66.3 75.9 75.5 ...
utils::str(sy <- sunspot.year)
##  Time-Series [1:289] from 1700 to 1988: 5 11 16 23 36 58 29 20 10 8 ...
## The common time interval
(t1 <- c(max(start(sm), start(sy)),     1)) # Jan 1749
## [1] 1749    1
(t2 <- c(min(  end(sm)[1],end(sy)[1]), 12)) # Dec 1983
## [1] 1983   12
s.m <- window(sm, start=t1, end=t2)
s.y <- window(sy, start=t1, end=t2[1]) # {irrelevant warning}
stopifnot(length(s.y) * 12 == length(s.m),
          ## The yearly series *is* close to the averages of the monthly one:
          all.equal(s.y, aggregate(s.m, FUN = mean), tol = 0.0020))
## NOTE: Strangely, correctly weighting the number of days per month
##       (using 28.25 for February) is *not* closer than the simple mean:
ndays <- c(31, 28.25, rep(c(31,30, 31,30, 31), 2))
all.equal(s.y, aggregate(s.m, FUN = mean))                     # 0.0013
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.001312539"
all.equal(s.y, aggregate(s.m, FUN = weighted.mean, w = ndays)) # 0.0017
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.001692215"