Main page:
## temperature pressure
## 1 0 0.0002
## 2 20 0.0012
## 3 40 0.0060
## 4 60 0.0300
## 5 80 0.0900
## 6 100 0.2700
## 7 120 0.7500
## 8 140 1.8500
## 9 160 4.2000
## 10 180 8.8000
## 11 200 17.3000
## 12 220 32.1000
## 13 240 57.0000
## 14 260 96.0000
## 15 280 157.0000
## 16 300 247.0000
## 17 320 376.0000
## 18 340 558.0000
## 19 360 806.0000
plot(pressure, xlab = "Temperature (deg C)",
ylab = "Pressure (mm of Hg)",
main = "pressure data: Vapor Pressure of Mercury")
plot(pressure, xlab = "Temperature (deg C)", log = "y",
ylab = "Pressure (mm of Hg)",
main = "pressure data: Vapor Pressure of Mercury")