A pre-loaded example dataset in R

Main page: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/datasets/versions/3.6.2/topics/faithful

##   eruptions waiting
## 1     3.600      79
## 2     1.800      54
## 3     3.333      74
## 4     2.283      62
## 5     4.533      85
## 6     2.883      55
require(stats); require(graphics)
f.tit <-  "faithful data: Eruptions of Old Faithful"

ne60 <- round(e60 <- 60 * faithful$eruptions)
all.equal(e60, ne60)             # relative diff. ~ 1/10000
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 9.515332e-05"
table(zapsmall(abs(e60 - ne60))) # 0, 0.02 or 0.04
##    0 0.02 0.04 
##  106  163    3
faithful$better.eruptions <- ne60 / 60
te <- table(ne60)
te[te >= 4]                      # (too) many multiples of 5 !
## ne60
## 105 108 110 112 113 120 216 230 240 245 249 250 255 260 261 262 265 270 272 275 
##   6   4   7   8   4   4   4   5   6   5   4   4   4   5   4   4   4   8   5   4 
## 276 282 288 
##   4   6   6
plot(names(te), te, type = "h", main = f.tit, xlab = "Eruption time (sec)")

plot(faithful[, -3], main = f.tit,
     xlab = "Eruption time (min)",
     ylab = "Waiting time to next eruption (min)")
lines(lowess(faithful$eruptions, faithful$waiting, f = 2/3, iter = 3),
      col = "red")