A pre-loaded example dataset in R

Main page: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/datasets/versions/3.6.2/topics/Harman74.cor

## $cov
##                        VisualPerception Cubes PaperFormBoard Flags
## VisualPerception                  1.000 0.318          0.403 0.468
## Cubes                             0.318 1.000          0.317 0.230
## PaperFormBoard                    0.403 0.317          1.000 0.305
## Flags                             0.468 0.230          0.305 1.000
## GeneralInformation                0.321 0.285          0.247 0.227
## PargraphComprehension             0.335 0.234          0.268 0.327
## SentenceCompletion                0.304 0.157          0.223 0.335
## WordClassification                0.332 0.157          0.382 0.391
## WordMeaning                       0.326 0.195          0.184 0.325
## Addition                          0.116 0.057         -0.075 0.099
## Code                              0.308 0.150          0.091 0.110
## CountingDots                      0.314 0.145          0.140 0.160
## StraightCurvedCapitals            0.489 0.239          0.321 0.327
## WordRecognition                   0.125 0.103          0.177 0.066
## NumberRecognition                 0.238 0.131          0.065 0.127
## FigureRecognition                 0.414 0.272          0.263 0.322
## ObjectNumber                      0.176 0.005          0.177 0.187
## NumberFigure                      0.368 0.255          0.211 0.251
## FigureWord                        0.270 0.112          0.312 0.137
## Deduction                         0.365 0.292          0.297 0.339
## NumericalPuzzles                  0.369 0.306          0.165 0.349
## ProblemReasoning                  0.413 0.232          0.250 0.380
## SeriesCompletion                  0.474 0.348          0.383 0.335
## ArithmeticProblems                0.282 0.211          0.203 0.248
##                        GeneralInformation PargraphComprehension
## VisualPerception                    0.321                 0.335
## Cubes                               0.285                 0.234
## PaperFormBoard                      0.247                 0.268
## Flags                               0.227                 0.327
## GeneralInformation                  1.000                 0.622
## PargraphComprehension               0.622                 1.000
## SentenceCompletion                  0.656                 0.722
## WordClassification                  0.578                 0.527
## WordMeaning                         0.723                 0.714
## Addition                            0.311                 0.203
## Code                                0.344                 0.353
## CountingDots                        0.215                 0.095
## StraightCurvedCapitals              0.344                 0.309
## WordRecognition                     0.280                 0.292
## NumberRecognition                   0.229                 0.251
## FigureRecognition                   0.187                 0.291
## ObjectNumber                        0.208                 0.273
## NumberFigure                        0.263                 0.167
## FigureWord                          0.190                 0.251
## Deduction                           0.398                 0.435
## NumericalPuzzles                    0.318                 0.263
## ProblemReasoning                    0.441                 0.386
## SeriesCompletion                    0.435                 0.431
## ArithmeticProblems                  0.420                 0.433
##                        SentenceCompletion WordClassification WordMeaning
## VisualPerception                    0.304              0.332       0.326
## Cubes                               0.157              0.157       0.195
## PaperFormBoard                      0.223              0.382       0.184
## Flags                               0.335              0.391       0.325
## GeneralInformation                  0.656              0.578       0.723
## PargraphComprehension               0.722              0.527       0.714
## SentenceCompletion                  1.000              0.619       0.685
## WordClassification                  0.619              1.000       0.532
## WordMeaning                         0.685              0.532       1.000
## Addition                            0.246              0.285       0.170
## Code                                0.232              0.300       0.280
## CountingDots                        0.181              0.271       0.113
## StraightCurvedCapitals              0.345              0.395       0.280
## WordRecognition                     0.236              0.252       0.260
## NumberRecognition                   0.172              0.175       0.248
## FigureRecognition                   0.180              0.296       0.242
## ObjectNumber                        0.228              0.255       0.274
## NumberFigure                        0.159              0.250       0.208
## FigureWord                          0.226              0.274       0.274
## Deduction                           0.451              0.427       0.446
## NumericalPuzzles                    0.314              0.362       0.266
## ProblemReasoning                    0.396              0.357       0.483
## SeriesCompletion                    0.405              0.501       0.504
## ArithmeticProblems                  0.437              0.388       0.424
##                        Addition  Code CountingDots StraightCurvedCapitals
## VisualPerception          0.116 0.308        0.314                  0.489
## Cubes                     0.057 0.150        0.145                  0.239
## PaperFormBoard           -0.075 0.091        0.140                  0.321
## Flags                     0.099 0.110        0.160                  0.327
## GeneralInformation        0.311 0.344        0.215                  0.344
## PargraphComprehension     0.203 0.353        0.095                  0.309
## SentenceCompletion        0.246 0.232        0.181                  0.345
## WordClassification        0.285 0.300        0.271                  0.395
## WordMeaning               0.170 0.280        0.113                  0.280
## Addition                  1.000 0.484        0.585                  0.408
## Code                      0.484 1.000        0.428                  0.535
## CountingDots              0.585 0.428        1.000                  0.512
## StraightCurvedCapitals    0.408 0.535        0.512                  1.000
## WordRecognition           0.172 0.350        0.131                  0.195
## NumberRecognition         0.154 0.240        0.173                  0.139
## FigureRecognition         0.124 0.314        0.119                  0.281
## ObjectNumber              0.289 0.362        0.278                  0.194
## NumberFigure              0.317 0.350        0.349                  0.323
## FigureWord                0.190 0.290        0.110                  0.263
## Deduction                 0.173 0.202        0.246                  0.241
## NumericalPuzzles          0.405 0.399        0.355                  0.425
## ProblemReasoning          0.160 0.304        0.193                  0.279
## SeriesCompletion          0.262 0.251        0.350                  0.382
## ArithmeticProblems        0.531 0.412        0.414                  0.358
##                        WordRecognition NumberRecognition FigureRecognition
## VisualPerception                 0.125             0.238             0.414
## Cubes                            0.103             0.131             0.272
## PaperFormBoard                   0.177             0.065             0.263
## Flags                            0.066             0.127             0.322
## GeneralInformation               0.280             0.229             0.187
## PargraphComprehension            0.292             0.251             0.291
## SentenceCompletion               0.236             0.172             0.180
## WordClassification               0.252             0.175             0.296
## WordMeaning                      0.260             0.248             0.242
## Addition                         0.172             0.154             0.124
## Code                             0.350             0.240             0.314
## CountingDots                     0.131             0.173             0.119
## StraightCurvedCapitals           0.195             0.139             0.281
## WordRecognition                  1.000             0.370             0.412
## NumberRecognition                0.370             1.000             0.325
## FigureRecognition                0.412             0.325             1.000
## ObjectNumber                     0.341             0.345             0.324
## NumberFigure                     0.201             0.334             0.344
## FigureWord                       0.206             0.192             0.258
## Deduction                        0.302             0.272             0.388
## NumericalPuzzles                 0.183             0.232             0.348
## ProblemReasoning                 0.243             0.246             0.283
## SeriesCompletion                 0.242             0.256             0.360
## ArithmeticProblems               0.304             0.165             0.262
##                        ObjectNumber NumberFigure FigureWord Deduction
## VisualPerception              0.176        0.368      0.270     0.365
## Cubes                         0.005        0.255      0.112     0.292
## PaperFormBoard                0.177        0.211      0.312     0.297
## Flags                         0.187        0.251      0.137     0.339
## GeneralInformation            0.208        0.263      0.190     0.398
## PargraphComprehension         0.273        0.167      0.251     0.435
## SentenceCompletion            0.228        0.159      0.226     0.451
## WordClassification            0.255        0.250      0.274     0.427
## WordMeaning                   0.274        0.208      0.274     0.446
## Addition                      0.289        0.317      0.190     0.173
## Code                          0.362        0.350      0.290     0.202
## CountingDots                  0.278        0.349      0.110     0.246
## StraightCurvedCapitals        0.194        0.323      0.263     0.241
## WordRecognition               0.341        0.201      0.206     0.302
## NumberRecognition             0.345        0.334      0.192     0.272
## FigureRecognition             0.324        0.344      0.258     0.388
## ObjectNumber                  1.000        0.448      0.324     0.262
## NumberFigure                  0.448        1.000      0.358     0.301
## FigureWord                    0.324        0.358      1.000     0.167
## Deduction                     0.262        0.301      0.167     1.000
## NumericalPuzzles              0.173        0.357      0.331     0.413
## ProblemReasoning              0.273        0.317      0.342     0.463
## SeriesCompletion              0.287        0.272      0.303     0.509
## ArithmeticProblems            0.326        0.405      0.374     0.366
##                        NumericalPuzzles ProblemReasoning SeriesCompletion
## VisualPerception                  0.369            0.413            0.474
## Cubes                             0.306            0.232            0.348
## PaperFormBoard                    0.165            0.250            0.383
## Flags                             0.349            0.380            0.335
## GeneralInformation                0.318            0.441            0.435
## PargraphComprehension             0.263            0.386            0.431
## SentenceCompletion                0.314            0.396            0.405
## WordClassification                0.362            0.357            0.501
## WordMeaning                       0.266            0.483            0.504
## Addition                          0.405            0.160            0.262
## Code                              0.399            0.304            0.251
## CountingDots                      0.355            0.193            0.350
## StraightCurvedCapitals            0.425            0.279            0.382
## WordRecognition                   0.183            0.243            0.242
## NumberRecognition                 0.232            0.246            0.256
## FigureRecognition                 0.348            0.283            0.360
## ObjectNumber                      0.173            0.273            0.287
## NumberFigure                      0.357            0.317            0.272
## FigureWord                        0.331            0.342            0.303
## Deduction                         0.413            0.463            0.509
## NumericalPuzzles                  1.000            0.374            0.451
## ProblemReasoning                  0.374            1.000            0.503
## SeriesCompletion                  0.451            0.503            1.000
## ArithmeticProblems                0.448            0.375            0.434
##                        ArithmeticProblems
## VisualPerception                    0.282
## Cubes                               0.211
## PaperFormBoard                      0.203
## Flags                               0.248
## GeneralInformation                  0.420
## PargraphComprehension               0.433
## SentenceCompletion                  0.437
## WordClassification                  0.388
## WordMeaning                         0.424
## Addition                            0.531
## Code                                0.412
## CountingDots                        0.414
## StraightCurvedCapitals              0.358
## WordRecognition                     0.304
## NumberRecognition                   0.165
## FigureRecognition                   0.262
## ObjectNumber                        0.326
## NumberFigure                        0.405
## FigureWord                          0.374
## Deduction                           0.366
## NumericalPuzzles                    0.448
## ProblemReasoning                    0.375
## SeriesCompletion                    0.434
## ArithmeticProblems                  1.000
## $center
##  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## $n.obs
## [1] 145
(Harman74.FA <- factanal(factors = 1, covmat = Harman74.cor))
## Call:
## factanal(factors = 1, covmat = Harman74.cor)
## Uniquenesses:
##       VisualPerception                  Cubes         PaperFormBoard 
##                  0.677                  0.866                  0.830 
##                  Flags     GeneralInformation  PargraphComprehension 
##                  0.768                  0.487                  0.491 
##     SentenceCompletion     WordClassification            WordMeaning 
##                  0.500                  0.514                  0.474 
##               Addition                   Code           CountingDots 
##                  0.818                  0.731                  0.824 
## StraightCurvedCapitals        WordRecognition      NumberRecognition 
##                  0.681                  0.833                  0.863 
##      FigureRecognition           ObjectNumber           NumberFigure 
##                  0.775                  0.812                  0.778 
##             FigureWord              Deduction       NumericalPuzzles 
##                  0.816                  0.612                  0.676 
##       ProblemReasoning       SeriesCompletion     ArithmeticProblems 
##                  0.619                  0.524                  0.593 
## Loadings:
##                        Factor1
## VisualPerception       0.569  
## Cubes                  0.366  
## PaperFormBoard         0.412  
## Flags                  0.482  
## GeneralInformation     0.716  
## PargraphComprehension  0.713  
## SentenceCompletion     0.707  
## WordClassification     0.697  
## WordMeaning            0.725  
## Addition               0.426  
## Code                   0.519  
## CountingDots           0.419  
## StraightCurvedCapitals 0.565  
## WordRecognition        0.408  
## NumberRecognition      0.370  
## FigureRecognition      0.474  
## ObjectNumber           0.434  
## NumberFigure           0.471  
## FigureWord             0.429  
## Deduction              0.623  
## NumericalPuzzles       0.569  
## ProblemReasoning       0.617  
## SeriesCompletion       0.690  
## ArithmeticProblems     0.638  
##                Factor1
## SS loadings      7.438
## Proportion Var   0.310
## Test of the hypothesis that 1 factor is sufficient.
## The chi square statistic is 622.91 on 252 degrees of freedom.
## The p-value is 2.28e-33
for(factors in 2:5) print(update(Harman74.FA, factors = factors))
## Call:
## factanal(factors = factors, covmat = Harman74.cor)
## Uniquenesses:
##       VisualPerception                  Cubes         PaperFormBoard 
##                  0.650                  0.864                  0.844 
##                  Flags     GeneralInformation  PargraphComprehension 
##                  0.778                  0.375                  0.316 
##     SentenceCompletion     WordClassification            WordMeaning 
##                  0.319                  0.503                  0.258 
##               Addition                   Code           CountingDots 
##                  0.670                  0.608                  0.581 
## StraightCurvedCapitals        WordRecognition      NumberRecognition 
##                  0.567                  0.832                  0.850 
##      FigureRecognition           ObjectNumber           NumberFigure 
##                  0.743                  0.770                  0.625 
##             FigureWord              Deduction       NumericalPuzzles 
##                  0.792                  0.629                  0.579 
##       ProblemReasoning       SeriesCompletion     ArithmeticProblems 
##                  0.634                  0.539                  0.553 
## Loadings:
##                        Factor1 Factor2
## VisualPerception       0.506   0.306  
## Cubes                  0.304   0.209  
## PaperFormBoard         0.297   0.260  
## Flags                  0.327   0.339  
## GeneralInformation     0.240   0.753  
## PargraphComprehension  0.171   0.809  
## SentenceCompletion     0.163   0.809  
## WordClassification     0.344   0.615  
## WordMeaning            0.148   0.849  
## Addition               0.563   0.115  
## Code                   0.591   0.207  
## CountingDots           0.647          
## StraightCurvedCapitals 0.612   0.241  
## WordRecognition        0.315   0.263  
## NumberRecognition      0.328   0.205  
## FigureRecognition      0.457   0.218  
## ObjectNumber           0.431   0.209  
## NumberFigure           0.601   0.116  
## FigureWord             0.399   0.222  
## Deduction              0.379   0.477  
## NumericalPuzzles       0.604   0.237  
## ProblemReasoning       0.390   0.462  
## SeriesCompletion       0.486   0.474  
## ArithmeticProblems     0.544   0.389  
##                Factor1 Factor2
## SS loadings      4.573   4.548
## Proportion Var   0.191   0.190
## Cumulative Var   0.191   0.380
## Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient.
## The chi square statistic is 420.24 on 229 degrees of freedom.
## The p-value is 2.01e-13 
## Call:
## factanal(factors = factors, covmat = Harman74.cor)
## Uniquenesses:
##       VisualPerception                  Cubes         PaperFormBoard 
##                  0.500                  0.793                  0.662 
##                  Flags     GeneralInformation  PargraphComprehension 
##                  0.694                  0.352                  0.316 
##     SentenceCompletion     WordClassification            WordMeaning 
##                  0.300                  0.502                  0.256 
##               Addition                   Code           CountingDots 
##                  0.200                  0.586                  0.494 
## StraightCurvedCapitals        WordRecognition      NumberRecognition 
##                  0.569                  0.838                  0.848 
##      FigureRecognition           ObjectNumber           NumberFigure 
##                  0.643                  0.780                  0.635 
##             FigureWord              Deduction       NumericalPuzzles 
##                  0.788                  0.590                  0.580 
##       ProblemReasoning       SeriesCompletion     ArithmeticProblems 
##                  0.597                  0.498                  0.500 
## Loadings:
##                        Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
## VisualPerception        0.176   0.656   0.198 
## Cubes                   0.122   0.428         
## PaperFormBoard          0.145   0.563         
## Flags                   0.239   0.487   0.107 
## GeneralInformation      0.745   0.191   0.237 
## PargraphComprehension   0.780   0.249   0.118 
## SentenceCompletion      0.802   0.175   0.160 
## WordClassification      0.571   0.327   0.256 
## WordMeaning             0.821   0.248         
## Addition                0.162  -0.118   0.871 
## Code                    0.198   0.219   0.572 
## CountingDots                    0.179   0.688 
## StraightCurvedCapitals  0.190   0.381   0.499 
## WordRecognition         0.231   0.253   0.210 
## NumberRecognition       0.158   0.299   0.195 
## FigureRecognition       0.108   0.557   0.186 
## ObjectNumber            0.178   0.267   0.342 
## NumberFigure                    0.427   0.424 
## FigureWord              0.167   0.355   0.240 
## Deduction               0.392   0.472   0.181 
## NumericalPuzzles        0.178   0.406   0.473 
## ProblemReasoning        0.382   0.473   0.182 
## SeriesCompletion        0.379   0.528   0.283 
## ArithmeticProblems      0.377   0.226   0.554 
##                Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
## SS loadings      3.802   3.488   3.186
## Proportion Var   0.158   0.145   0.133
## Cumulative Var   0.158   0.304   0.436
## Test of the hypothesis that 3 factors are sufficient.
## The chi square statistic is 295.59 on 207 degrees of freedom.
## The p-value is 5.12e-05 
## Call:
## factanal(factors = factors, covmat = Harman74.cor)
## Uniquenesses:
##       VisualPerception                  Cubes         PaperFormBoard 
##                  0.438                  0.780                  0.644 
##                  Flags     GeneralInformation  PargraphComprehension 
##                  0.651                  0.352                  0.312 
##     SentenceCompletion     WordClassification            WordMeaning 
##                  0.283                  0.485                  0.257 
##               Addition                   Code           CountingDots 
##                  0.240                  0.551                  0.435 
## StraightCurvedCapitals        WordRecognition      NumberRecognition 
##                  0.491                  0.646                  0.696 
##      FigureRecognition           ObjectNumber           NumberFigure 
##                  0.549                  0.598                  0.593 
##             FigureWord              Deduction       NumericalPuzzles 
##                  0.762                  0.592                  0.583 
##       ProblemReasoning       SeriesCompletion     ArithmeticProblems 
##                  0.601                  0.497                  0.500 
## Loadings:
##                        Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4
## VisualPerception        0.160   0.689   0.187   0.160 
## Cubes                   0.117   0.436                 
## PaperFormBoard          0.137   0.570           0.110 
## Flags                   0.233   0.527                 
## GeneralInformation      0.739   0.185   0.213   0.150 
## PargraphComprehension   0.767   0.205           0.233 
## SentenceCompletion      0.806   0.197   0.153         
## WordClassification      0.569   0.339   0.242   0.132 
## WordMeaning             0.806   0.201           0.227 
## Addition                0.167  -0.118   0.831   0.166 
## Code                    0.180   0.120   0.512   0.374 
## CountingDots                    0.210   0.716         
## StraightCurvedCapitals  0.188   0.438   0.525         
## WordRecognition         0.197                   0.553 
## NumberRecognition       0.122   0.116           0.520 
## FigureRecognition               0.408           0.525 
## ObjectNumber            0.142           0.219   0.574 
## NumberFigure                    0.293   0.336   0.456 
## FigureWord              0.148   0.239   0.161   0.365 
## Deduction               0.378   0.402   0.118   0.301 
## NumericalPuzzles        0.175   0.381   0.438   0.223 
## ProblemReasoning        0.366   0.399   0.123   0.301 
## SeriesCompletion        0.369   0.500   0.244   0.239 
## ArithmeticProblems      0.370   0.158   0.496   0.304 
##                Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4
## SS loadings      3.647   2.872   2.657   2.290
## Proportion Var   0.152   0.120   0.111   0.095
## Cumulative Var   0.152   0.272   0.382   0.478
## Test of the hypothesis that 4 factors are sufficient.
## The chi square statistic is 226.68 on 186 degrees of freedom.
## The p-value is 0.0224 
## Call:
## factanal(factors = factors, covmat = Harman74.cor)
## Uniquenesses:
##       VisualPerception                  Cubes         PaperFormBoard 
##                  0.450                  0.781                  0.639 
##                  Flags     GeneralInformation  PargraphComprehension 
##                  0.649                  0.357                  0.288 
##     SentenceCompletion     WordClassification            WordMeaning 
##                  0.277                  0.485                  0.262 
##               Addition                   Code           CountingDots 
##                  0.215                  0.386                  0.444 
## StraightCurvedCapitals        WordRecognition      NumberRecognition 
##                  0.256                  0.639                  0.706 
##      FigureRecognition           ObjectNumber           NumberFigure 
##                  0.550                  0.614                  0.596 
##             FigureWord              Deduction       NumericalPuzzles 
##                  0.764                  0.521                  0.564 
##       ProblemReasoning       SeriesCompletion     ArithmeticProblems 
##                  0.580                  0.442                  0.478 
## Loadings:
##                        Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5
## VisualPerception        0.161   0.658   0.136   0.182   0.199 
## Cubes                   0.113   0.435           0.107         
## PaperFormBoard          0.135   0.562           0.107   0.116 
## Flags                   0.231   0.533                         
## GeneralInformation      0.736   0.188   0.192   0.162         
## PargraphComprehension   0.775   0.187           0.251   0.113 
## SentenceCompletion      0.809   0.208   0.136                 
## WordClassification      0.568   0.348   0.223   0.131         
## WordMeaning             0.800   0.215           0.224         
## Addition                0.175  -0.100   0.844   0.176         
## Code                    0.185           0.438   0.451   0.426 
## CountingDots                    0.222   0.690   0.101   0.140 
## StraightCurvedCapitals  0.186   0.425   0.458           0.559 
## WordRecognition         0.197                   0.557         
## NumberRecognition       0.121   0.130           0.508         
## FigureRecognition               0.400           0.529         
## ObjectNumber            0.145           0.208   0.562         
## NumberFigure                    0.306   0.325   0.452         
## FigureWord              0.147   0.242   0.145   0.364         
## Deduction               0.370   0.452   0.139   0.287  -0.190 
## NumericalPuzzles        0.170   0.402   0.439   0.230         
## ProblemReasoning        0.358   0.423   0.126   0.302         
## SeriesCompletion        0.360   0.549   0.256   0.223  -0.107 
## ArithmeticProblems      0.371   0.185   0.502   0.307         
##                Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5
## SS loadings      3.632   2.964   2.456   2.345   0.663
## Proportion Var   0.151   0.124   0.102   0.098   0.028
## Cumulative Var   0.151   0.275   0.377   0.475   0.503
## Test of the hypothesis that 5 factors are sufficient.
## The chi square statistic is 186.82 on 166 degrees of freedom.
## The p-value is 0.128
Harman74.FA <- factanal(factors = 5, covmat = Harman74.cor,
                        rotation = "promax")
print(Harman74.FA$loadings, sort = TRUE)
## Loadings:
##                        Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5
## VisualPerception        0.831          -0.127           0.230 
## Cubes                   0.534                                 
## PaperFormBoard          0.736          -0.290           0.136 
## Flags                   0.647                  -0.104         
## SeriesCompletion        0.555   0.126   0.127                 
## GeneralInformation              0.764                         
## PargraphComprehension           0.845  -0.140   0.140         
## SentenceCompletion              0.872          -0.140         
## WordClassification      0.277   0.505   0.104                 
## WordMeaning                     0.846  -0.108                 
## Addition               -0.334           1.012                 
## CountingDots            0.206  -0.200   0.722           0.185 
## ArithmeticProblems              0.197   0.500   0.139         
## WordRecognition        -0.126   0.127  -0.103   0.657         
## NumberRecognition                               0.568         
## FigureRecognition       0.399  -0.142  -0.207   0.562         
## ObjectNumber           -0.108           0.107   0.613         
## StraightCurvedCapitals  0.542           0.247           0.618 
## Code                            0.112   0.288   0.486   0.424 
## NumberFigure            0.255  -0.230   0.211   0.413         
## FigureWord              0.187                   0.347         
## Deduction               0.404   0.169           0.117  -0.203 
## NumericalPuzzles        0.393           0.368                 
## ProblemReasoning        0.381   0.188           0.169         
##                Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5
## SS loadings      3.529   3.311   2.367   2.109   0.762
## Proportion Var   0.147   0.138   0.099   0.088   0.032
## Cumulative Var   0.147   0.285   0.384   0.471   0.503