A pre-loaded example dataset in R

Main page: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/datasets/versions/3.6.2/topics/AirPassengers

##      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
## 1949 112 118 132 129 121 135 148 148 136 119 104 118
## 1950 115 126 141 135 125 149 170 170 158 133 114 140
## 1951 145 150 178 163 172 178 199 199 184 162 146 166
## 1952 171 180 193 181 183 218 230 242 209 191 172 194
## 1953 196 196 236 235 229 243 264 272 237 211 180 201
## 1954 204 188 235 227 234 264 302 293 259 229 203 229
## 1955 242 233 267 269 270 315 364 347 312 274 237 278
## 1956 284 277 317 313 318 374 413 405 355 306 271 306
## 1957 315 301 356 348 355 422 465 467 404 347 305 336
## 1958 340 318 362 348 363 435 491 505 404 359 310 337
## 1959 360 342 406 396 420 472 548 559 463 407 362 405
## 1960 417 391 419 461 472 535 622 606 508 461 390 432
## The classic 'airline model', by full ML
(fit <- arima(log10(AirPassengers), c(0, 1, 1),
              seasonal = list(order = c(0, 1, 1), period = 12)))
## Call:
## arima(x = log10(AirPassengers), order = c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 
##     1, 1), period = 12))
## Coefficients:
##           ma1     sma1
##       -0.4018  -0.5569
## s.e.   0.0896   0.0731
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.0002543:  log likelihood = 353.96,  aic = -701.92
update(fit, method = "CSS")
## Call:
## arima(x = log10(AirPassengers), order = c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 
##     1, 1), period = 12), method = "CSS")
## Coefficients:
##           ma1     sma1
##       -0.3772  -0.5724
## s.e.   0.0883   0.0704
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.0002619:  part log likelihood = 354.32
update(fit, x = window(log10(AirPassengers), start = 1954))
## Call:
## arima(x = window(log10(AirPassengers), start = 1954), order = c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 
##     1, 1), period = 12))
## Coefficients:
##           ma1     sma1
##       -0.4797  -0.4460
## s.e.   0.1000   0.1514
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.0001603:  log likelihood = 208.02,  aic = -410.04
pred <- predict(fit, n.ahead = 24)
tl <- pred$pred - 1.96 * pred$se
tu <- pred$pred + 1.96 * pred$se
ts.plot(AirPassengers, 10^tl, 10^tu, log = "y", lty = c(1, 2, 2))

## full ML fit is the same if the series is reversed, CSS fit is not
ap0 <- rev(log10(AirPassengers))
attributes(ap0) <- attributes(AirPassengers)
arima(ap0, c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 1, 1), period = 12))
## Call:
## arima(x = ap0, order = c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 1, 1), period = 12))
## Coefficients:
##           ma1     sma1
##       -0.4018  -0.5569
## s.e.   0.0896   0.0731
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.0002543:  log likelihood = 353.95,  aic = -701.91
arima(ap0, c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 1, 1), period = 12),
      method = "CSS")
## Call:
## arima(x = ap0, order = c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 1, 1), period = 12), 
##     method = "CSS")
## Coefficients:
##           ma1     sma1
##       -0.4188  -0.5224
## s.e.   0.0875   0.0695
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.0002673:  part log likelihood = 353
## Structural Time Series
ap <- log10(AirPassengers) - 2
(fit <- StructTS(ap, type = "BSM"))
## Call:
## StructTS(x = ap, type = "BSM")
## Variances:
##     level      slope       seas    epsilon  
## 0.0001456  0.0000000  0.0002635  0.0000000
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(cbind(ap, fitted(fit)), plot.type = "single")
plot(cbind(ap, tsSmooth(fit)), plot.type = "single")